Condes 10 version history

Condes 10.6.4 – 17 January, 2025

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Control descriptions: To improve legibility control codes are now shown with a small amount of extra space between the digits.Course Layout Editor: Not possible to select some of the variations for a One-Man relay.
Course Overprint: The leg lines to and from an end-of-marked-route point would be truncated.
Control codes for “all controls” not always shown at the correct location and correct size
When opening a file written with a previous Condes version, and with a map at a scale different from 1:10,000, Condes would show an irrelevant notification about map scale change.
Delete unused controls: Crash in some cases
When changing the print scale on one canvas, this might affect the control number locations on other canvases using the same controls.
Relay teams: When assigning course variations to a team, the bib number and the competitor name may be erased.

Condes 10.6.3 – 27 December, 2024

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Printing maps with courses / PDF exports: When exporting relay teams running courses with map exchanges, it is now possible to select “entire course”Bitmap export: In some cases incorrect worldfile contents if the export scale differs from the map scale
Changed the terms, “marked route” to “taped route”, “mandatory crossing” to “crossing point”OCAD point symbols: Rare cases of point symbol elements with one bezier curve ignored.
Improved handling of keeping controls at their geographical position when the map is changed.OCAD export: In some cases crossing points not included in the export.
When export scale differs from map scale, course overprint line widths not correct.
Trail O courses now render no leg lines between controls. If needed, a leg line can be switched on using the “toggle” toolControl description configured as showing “Part x” incorrectly showing entire course
Delete unused controls: Crash in some cases

Condes 10.6.1 – 7 November, 2024

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Bug fixes, mainly related to exports.

Condes 10.6.0 – 29 October, 2024

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Condes is now available in Bulgarian. Many thanks to Kostadin NovakovPDF export: Improved rendering of “patterned” areas.OCAD line symbols with double main symbols (e.g. high fences) were not always rendered correctly.
OCAD file export: Minor bug fixes

Condes 10.5.14 – 29 September, 2024

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
PDF export: Issue with patterned areas when “Move Map” has been applied on an OCAD map.

Condes 10.5.12 – 22 September, 2024

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
PDF export: Improved rendering of patterned areas.Course dialog: Error message when a loop is inserted at the start of the course
Added setting (in FIle / Settings for this event) to enable/disable the control number for a map exchange control on course part 2.When creating an event and using a geo-referenced bitmap file, the geo-referencing would be ignored.
Minor adjustments to a couple of ISOM/ISSprOM dimensions
No gap between start triangle and leg line when a gap is configured.
Text object: No newline before “relay leg number”

Condes 10.5.11 – 24 July, 2024

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Introduced simplifications in
– New Event wizard
– Canvas Map configuration
PostScript and EPS: OCAD area objects with irregular patterns may not be rendered correctly when printing/exporting at a scale different from the original map scale.
Introduced option to show a map exchange at a control in the control description as a “marked route of 0 meter to new start point”Course with marked route to map exchange point The start point for part two also shown in the control description for part 1.
When configuring a canvas to show a new geo-referenced map, Condes offers to move controls on the canvas so that they remain on their geographical position. This now supports changing a image file based map.PDF export: OCAD area objects with a dotted pattern not always rendering correctly when viewed with FoxIt Reader and certain other PDF viewers.
Introduced workaround to circumvent this issue.
Mandatory crossing symbol may be shown on canvas or course, on which it is not configured to be shown.
Loose control descriptions: Did not correctly support relay courses where the marked route from time start to start point differs on leg 1.

Condes 10.5.10 – 10 June, 2024

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
On relays, the first leg mass start sometimes takes place separately from the change-over zone.
It is now possible to configure a separate route from time start to start triangle to be used on the first relay leg.
Configure the start point to use a route from time start, then add the separate route to be used on leg 1.
Courses that has map flip between two different canvases now display the triangle in circle symbol for the first control on the new map.
Export of courses form a canvas, where overprint symbol dimensions are linked to another canvas: Symbol dimensions incorrect.
PDF export, EPS export, and printing to PostScript printer: If the OCAD map has been moved on the canvas (using Canvas/Move map), the map may sometimes not be visible in the exported file.

Condes 10.5.9 – 9 May, 2024

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Added support for IOF symbol 715 “Continuing point after map exchange” – start triangle in control circle.
This symbol is shown for a map exchange control on part 2 and subsequent parts of the course.
The Canvas/Controls the box “Also use the same symbols” is now unchecked when you create a new event file.

This means that course symbols (refreshments, out-of-bounds areas etc) are no longer linked. The allows you flexibility to configure for each symbol on which canvases it is shown.

Failure to set configuration of Control Description “What” tab.
Course export to OCAD.
The color layers in the exported file will use color numbers that do not clash with the color numbers in the OCAD map file used on the canvas.
When printing, overprint flag on white OCAD map color layers was NOT ignored. White OCAD map color layers flagged as “overprint” would not be visible when printing.
Note: OCAD files edited in Open Orienteering Mapper will get overprint flags on all colour layers. This can be considered a bug in Open Orienteering Mapper – be careful to check this.
EPS export when export scale differs from map scale: Some out-of-bounds areas may not be shown.
Course export to OCAD:
– when control descriptions box size differs from the standard size, the header text is not centered in the box
– always white outline on course leg lines
– partial border lines on out-of-bounds areas not supported
Out of bounds areas with border lines. The border line width did not scale correctly with the print scale. All border lines would be 0.25 mm
Export course data to XML: A course with no controls would make the export fail.
PDF export: OCAD rectangle objects with numbered boxes – the box numbers would be exported using RGB color.
OCAD maps: Line symbols with pointed ends, where the end point has a “corner point” flag, would not be rendered with a pointed end.

Condes 10.5.8 – 9 April, 2024

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Simplification of the “light” version.
These features are not available in the light version:
– PDF, EPS, SVG, KMZ, bitmap exports
– Multiple canvases
– Graphics objects
The feature to configure a control description on the map is improved, so that it is now possible to select “Part shown” (the course part shown on the map), “Entire course” (shows control descriptions for the entire course even when only a part of the course is shown on the map), and “part x” (show control descriptions for a specific course part)Unable to open files created with Condes version 10.3.9 – 10.4.1, around Spring 2023.
Added text pop-ups to indicate features that are not available in the “light” version (without a license)Broken layout of text printed on the reverse side
Added support for 64-bit bitmaps – both as canvas maps and as graphics objectsAutomatic climb calculation for courses with diamond loops not correct.

Condes 10.5.7 – 29 February, 2024

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Minor improvementsMinor bug fixes

Condes 10.5.6 – 17 January, 2024

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Condes can now import course data (control locations, courses, and classes) from an IOF XML v3 course data file.10.5.5 issue with course leg lines when exporting to PDF, EPS, SVG and KMZ
10.5.5 issue with OCAD background maps when exporting to PDF at a different scale than the map scale.

Condes 10.5.5 – 6 January, 2024

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Show Proximate Controls
There is now an option to select the minimum distance to the nearest controls
Menu: Course Layouts / Show Proximate Controls

Controls Spreadsheet
The spreadsheet now has a column showing the distance to the nearest control.
The spreadsheet can be sorted so that this column shows distances from smallest to greatest.
Menu: Control / Open controls spreadsheet

10.5.4 issue with OCAD background maps
10.5.4 issue: String O: Line shown as bee line from start to finish
Rendering issue with OCAD Rectangle objects with round corners
Rendering issue with holes in OCAD Area objects, configured with “do not cut structure element at border.
Rendering issue in EPS files and printing on PostScript printers that caused some graphics objects to be omitted.

Condes 10.5.4 – 3 December, 2023

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Support for new IOF control descriptions symbol “Map Flip”
Added setting that allows configuring a control on the course as “map flip” (in addition to existing option “map change”).
When using “map flip”, the symbol is shown in the control description.
Modified configuration options for control circle and control number outlines, to clarify that outline settings on individual controls override canvas settings for outlinesVarious minor bug fixes
Support for new IOF control descriptions symbol “Railway”Text objects with right alignment now have fixed right edge.
Added support for displaying OCAD file map notes. New menu item in Canvas menu.

Condes 10.5.3 – 23 October, 2023

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Removed the option to select show on “All canvases” for a course.
Reinstated the menu Canvas / Add/Remove courses on this canvas.
Various minor bug fixes

Condes 10.5.0 – 25 September, 2023

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Rotate text objects

Text objects can be rotated, and the background color can be configured.

Control site status labels

Cleaned up this feature

Issue with auto-update when Condes is configured to not “open previous event at startup”
Show course symbols and graphics objects on any combination of courses and canvases

Configure course symbols and graphics objects to be shown on any set of courses and any set of canvases. Previously, it was only “all courses” or a single course, and “all canvases” or a single canvas.

OCAD Export
The print area frame is included in the export
Graphics objects now exporting in the correct color order
Support for Upper Purple/Lower Purple color layers
Displaying “all relay variations” with number format set to “number and branch letter”, the numbers would not be displayed correctly.
Fine tune course symbol dimensions

Configuration of course symbol dimensions has been updated, so that it is possible to override individual dimensions, e.g. the circle diameter, and leave the rest according to the chosen map specification

GPS Export
The print area frame is included in the export
New Event Wizard
When setting the print scale to 1:10,000, this would be ignored
When configuring two different maps, the first map would be used on both canvases.
OCAD maps
Added notification when selecting an OCAD map file, where many color layers are marked as “overprint”
Random order controls:
It was not possible to move the control numbers
Repeated notifications about changed map geo-reference.
A number of minor bugs have been fixed

Condes 10.4.5 – 26 June, 2023

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Version 10.4.4 changed the computer’s System ID, which required a new license activation.
Version 10.4.5 reverts the System ID back to its original value.
When updating from 10.4.4 to 10.4.5, a new reactivation is needed after updating as the System ID changes back to its previous value..
Improvements to handling of event files with a large number of overlaid graphics objects, which under certain circumstances caused a crash on opening the file.

Condes 10.4.4 – 20 June, 2023

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Version 10.4.2 and 10.4.3 fail to run on a 32-bit Windows, reporting missing function in DLL.
Version 10.4.3 fails to open Condes files saved from version 10.4.0
Version 10.4.2 and 10.4.3 fail to render a crossing point that is not included as a “control” on the course.
Rotate crossing point feature broken

Condes 10.4.3 – 17 June, 2023

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
In some cases, it was not possible to save the file.
OCAD layout objects: fixed support for text alignment

Condes 10.4.2 – 12 June, 2023

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Additional MTBO symbols now available: One Way Route, Obstacle, Forbidden to Pass, Dangerous SectionMost course symbols can now be configured as
“All courses” or “Only this course” and
“All canvases” or “Only this canvas”
Course layout editor: If multiple controls have the same number, e.g. “014” and “14”, editing a control results in the navigation bar list of control showing controls duplicated.
Condes event files: When opening a file that embeds the map files, a warning may be shown about a layout “file not found”.
Course overprint: No control number shown for random order controls
When using a map file with a very long name, some of the print and export dialogs fail to open.
Condes event files: When using a map in bitmap format (such as jpg), the map will always be embedded in the Condes file.
Export to IOF XML version 2 and 1: Export fails for relay and loop courses
Course Layout Editor. Error message when attempting to delete start or finish
Overlaid graphics objects that are OCAD files, in files created with a pre 10.4.0 release, are deleted when saving the file with 10.4.0

Condes 10.4.0 – 17 April, 2023

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Saving the Condes event: It is now possible to save all map files in the Condes file, thus facilitating sharing an event and all its map files among a course planning team.OCAD maps: Condes 10.3.8 failed when reading an OCAD 11 map.
Control numbers: When overriding the color of the control circle, this color can also be used for the control number.OCAD maps: Limitation on the size of imported layout graphics images.
Graphics objects: When showing a canvas map on a graphics object, it is already possible to also show the course on that map.
Condes 10.4 adds an option to choose which part of the course to show.
This enables showing two parts of a course on separate maps in the same canvas layout, so that the two maps can be printed on the same page.
OCAD maps: Failed to read an OCAD map which had itself as a background map.
Course symbol dimensions not correct on a canvas using a map from another canvas.
The location of the control number on a common control after a branch was not always consistent.
Course overprint merging (Upper/Lower Purple): Not working correctly on printouts and exports

Condes 10.3.8 – 1 March, 2023

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Trail-O courses can now have “random order” controls. These controls still have control numbers shown, both on the map and in the control description.Print / Maps with courses and Export / Maps and courses to PDF:

A configuration option is added to configure single/double sided printing

PDF Export: Exporting multiple courses on the same map, now using print area frame color for the first course (if frame colors are not configured equal for all of the courses)
Trail-O courses support configuration of a route choice line (only one) for use when calculating the course length.Added OCAD world coor projection supprot for ID 42005 (Madeira)Setup map: When changing to an OCAD map with different World Coor projection, the feature to keep controls at the same geographical position on the map failed.
Added checkbox to “Don’t display this again” for the first page in the New Event WizardWhen printing “All controls”, the control codes were not scaled correctly
Printing on PostScript printer and EPS export: When the OCAD Map was moved using “move map”, the dotted areas on the map were not shown correctly.

Condes 10.3.7 – 20 November, 2022

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Auto-update improved to allow a delay in checking for updates.OCAD export colors not always correct
In the course overprint symbols and dimensions dialog, it is now possible to configure the width of the String O line and the Control Focus Point (dot) diameter
Added setting to configure quality of the JPEG image when exporting JPEG bitmap files.
OCAD maps: Support for imported layout bitmaps

Condes 10.3.6 – 13 October, 2022

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Graphics objects that are OCAD files are not shown.

Condes 10.3.5 – 10 October, 2022

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Removed course type “Rogaine”, and instead added options for a Score O course to use Rogaine points conventions and/or to automatically use all controls in the event.Updated control description “names” for Australian EnglishSelecting, cutting and bending leg lines to/from crossing points not working correctly.
Added option to control description appearance for Score O to leave column A and/or column B blank.
Keyboard arrow keys can be used to “nudge” course objects, e.g control descriptions (but not control circles)
“Renumber controls” can also be used for alphanumeric control codes.

Condes 10.3.3 – 3 September, 2022

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
String O courses:
– The orange line is now 0.55 mm (at 1:10,000 ISOM, and 1:4,000 ISSprom).
– If the leg from last control to finish is a marked leg, the orange line is replaced by the standard, dashed purple line
– The orange line can be cut with the scissors tool similarly as ordinary leg lines.
OCAD export – circle and line dimensions incorrect on linked canvas.
For compatibility with OLA, if the language is set to Swedish, start and finish points will be named S1 and M1 instead of S and M.
Export course data as XML:
Added option to limit the number of exported course variations so that only those variations used by configured relay teams are exported.

Condes 10.3.2 – 23 August, 2022

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Added options to the color chooser for Text objects and Control Descriptions objects allowing to “Use course color”When selecting a new map file for a canvas, under certain circumstances, OCAD layout objects would be shown with an incorrect font.
The canvas extent could be incorrect (too large) in certain cases.
Start triangle not correctly sized in certain cases.

Condes 10.3.1 – 31 July, 2022

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Minor updates

Condes 10.3.0 – 24 July, 2022

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Support for license renewal without changing license code.Control descriptions for courses with loops now show the variation code.

Condes 10.2.22 – 19 May, 2022

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Geo referencing. Added support for EPSG code 42004PDF exports can be very large when using a bitmap file as map file
An end-of-marked route point can be used as a map exchange point.Error message when using a combined start/finish point
Route choice lines can now be copy pasted.Control descriptions: Centered text not placed correctly for bitmap exports.
The linewidth of the edge of an out-of-bounds area is now configurable.
When configuring control descriptions, the “from row” now counts from the first header row instead of from the first control row.

Condes 10.2.21 – 24 March, 2022

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
When using “merge course into map color layers”, route choice legs would be invisible
Broken edit/create for mask areas and out-of-bounds areas on a secondary canvas,
Broken edit functionality for relay courses with coupled forks
Course leg climb: Some legs missing in the Course Leg Climb spreadsheet
String courses: Marked legs between controls would appear in the control descriptions if leg was configured as marked.
Printing/Exporting when selected “area covered by course”, the leg from time start to start triangle was not be included.

Condes 10.2.20 – 10 March, 2022

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
In some cases Condes would crash under startup.
Mask areas and out-of-bounds areas created in version 10.2.18 or older could be damaged.

Condes 10.2.19 – 8 March, 2022

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Updated course symbols to comply with IOF ISOM 2017-2, ISSprOM 2019, ISMTBOM 2022, ISSKIOM 2019
Moved the course overprint above the print area frame.
Added use of the “Toggle Segment” tool to toggle on/off individual segments of the frame around an out-of-bounds area

Condes 10.2.18 – 31 January, 2022

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Course Layout Editor: In some cases it was not possible to insert a relay leg fork.
Export to Livelox: Not possible to upload to a new Livelox event when already linked to an existing event.
Course co-located start and finish: When configuring a course to use the start point as finish, this setting was not respected by all features, e.g. length calculation.
Print / Maps with courses: In some cases, course dimensions were not correctly scaled to a different print scale.

Condes 10.2.17 – 11 January, 2022

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Course Layout Editor: On relay branches, “tooltip” texts now show both the branch length as well as the route choice length for the branch.Course Layout Editor: When scrolling using the scroll bar, in some cases the scroll would be reset to the left resp. top.
Course Layout Editor: In some cases it was not possible to insert a relay fork.
Not really a fix: McAfee anti-virus detected a false positive on version 10.2.16 and deleted the installer.
This is hopefully not the case with 10.2.17

Condes 10.2.16 – 12 December, 2021

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Course color configuration: Added options to select “Condes standard color” and “IOF color for offset print”In some circumstances, real world coordinates would not be calculated correctly. and
Auto-update when application version expires not working correctly.
Update check not working for Windows 8

Condes 10.2.15 – 23 November, 2021

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
On a secondary canvas, the control number location would not always be correct.
The configured “first control code” for an event would be ignored, so the first control would always be “31”
Bitmap export: World file parameters not correct
OCAD grid object: Grid lines had wrong color
Boundary Line symbol: Shown in black color if set to “use course color”

Condes 10.2.14 – 13 November, 2021

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
MTBO: At 1:20,000, course symbol dimensions are now equal to dimensions at 1:15,000, i.e. not scaled down.Moving control number on “all controls” map not always consistent
Improved handling of the text under control descriptions on the map.
The setting to show the file name is changed, so that the default is that the file name is not shown.
The setting no longer applies to the Course Layout Editor, i.e. the file name is always shown in the CLE. But not when printing (from the printout menu) and exporting.
When using an Condes version prior to 10.2.12, and opening a file written with 10.2.12, a dot would be shown in the center of all circles.
Files written with 10.2.14 cannot be opened with a version prior to 10.2.12.
Control dialog window: Now showing the textual control description under the symbolic description.

Controls spreadsheet: Added a column showing the textual description

PDF export: for graphics objects based on bitmap images, occasionally bitmaps from different graphics objects would be mixed up.
When using a georeferenced bitmap as map file on a canvas, and then replacing the bitmap with a new bitmap, Condes will attempt to place the new bitmap so that the georeferencing position is kept.Not always possible to designate a control as “random order” on a relay course.
Added Help / Remove License menu to remove the license code from the computer.

Condes 10.2.12 – 29 September, 2021

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
When printing from the Course Layout Editor, Condes chooses the paper orientation that generates the fewest number of printed pages.
This feature is improved so that if portrait and landscape produces the same number of pages, the orientation is chosen that best utilizes page 1 (covers the greatest percentage of the page)
When renaming a course, the course name would not be substituted on relay teams.
Configuration of the feature to draw a dot at the center of the control circle is improved. You can configure at the event level, the course level and the control level to put dots at the centres. At the control and course level you can “override” the setting at the higher level.When printing and exporting relay teams, under certain circumstances, teams on courses not used on a given canvas would appear in the list of team for that canvas.
Slightly decreased the size of control description symbols.On part 2 of a course with map exchange the map exchange control would not be shown.
Improvements to rendering and editing of course legs to/from start triangles.

Condes 10.2.11 – 28 August, 2021

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Sorting relay teams by numberIssues related to relay variation codes
OCAD background map with georeference data are placed according to the geroreference data in the main map.Export PDF:
Issue when printing the map on the reverse side
Page size issue
Changed Condes default course color to CMYK 20-100-0-0.Course Layout Editor: “Browse Courses” missing circles
Course Layout Editor: Zoom function keeps the cursor location fixed on the map (uses the cursor location as the “centre” for the zoom).When renaming a course, the rename is not applied to relevant classes
Control number location not correctly scaled if the same controls are used on different canvases with different dimensions
XML export: Incorrect variation codes for one-man relay courses
When tiling panes in the Course Layout Editor, course lengths and other fields in the toolbar are not shown correctly.
Course Layout Editor. No resizing handles on graphics objects
Course Layout Editor: Insert control feature not working correctly for Score O courses

Condes 10.2.10 – 27 July, 2021

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
When using the control dialog (for example to compose the control description for a control), the control circle might incorrectly move to a different position.
When highlighting “attack angles” or “adjacent controls” is activated, printing should reflect the highlighting.
Difficulties in entering the license code.

Condes 10.2.9 – 19 July, 2021

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Setting for showing OCAD background maps not working correctly.
White outline on control circles not always correct width.
Renumber controls: Program freezes under certain circumstances if using Emit codes.
Issue when printing/exporting relay teams maps.
Additional minor issues fixed.

Condes 10.2.8 – 19 June, 2021

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
As a user you can now configure a default value for the first control code to be used in a new event file.
This is a complement to the existing feature where you can configure a standard set of control codes, for example representing the control stands that the club uses.
A number of fixes related to:
– editing leg from time start
– relay team assignments
– transparent colors
– adding a control after a butterfly loop
– loading of OCAD map layout layer
– configuration of OCAD background map visibility
For course overprint it is now possible to configure the “number format” for random order controls and for the relay “all variations” view.

This allows you to use either control codes or letter codes for random order controls.

For the “all variations” view, you can continue to use control codes or use control numbers with a letter indicating which branch a control belongs to.

Difficult to “hit” selection handles and course leg corners.

Condes 10.2.7 – 14 May, 2021

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Upload of maps and courses to Livelox.

A new menu item Export / Upload maps and courses to Livelox is introduced.
This simplifies the process of preparing for route choice analysis in Livelox

Course Layout Editor: Route choice lines for individual course legs can be copied to clipboard by using the edit / copy menu while in “route choice mode” and the leg is selected.XML and CSV export: Crash under certain circumstances.
Team Number is a new “standard text” option for Text objects.Various issues related to relay courses and relay teams.
Some text objects using certain fonts (e.g. Ubuntu) would be truncated.
Control descriptions for all controls did not respect the box size setting.
In Canvas / Map menu, the setting Show OCAD background maps was not working correctly.
Printing courses as one-man relays: Crash under certain circumstances

Condes 10.2.5 – 26 April, 2021

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Controls’ spreadsheet: When copying to clipboard, the textual control description is now includedA number of bug fixes
Automatic software-update check: Installation is now taking place when Condes is closed, not while the program is running.
OCAD maps: A new option is introduced “Show background maps if visible in OCAD map file”
PDF and EPS export: Page size settings are now stored in event file, so that each file can have specific page size settings.
Spreadsheets: When copying to clipboard, multi-line annotations are now formatted in Excel format so that when pasting into Excel, all annotation text goes into one cell.
A new feature: Show attack angles is added. This feature builds on the existing feature in the control dialog, which can indicate directions of all incoming and outgoing legs.
This is now available in the Course Layout Editor for all controls via the menu item Course Layout / Show attack angles
The “attack angles” are shown also when printing or copying to the clipboard
When copying to the clipboard from the Course Layout Editor, the map is now included.

Condes 10.2.4 – 15 March, 2021

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Minor bug fixes

Condes 10.2.3 – 27 February, 2021

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Course Layout Editor: Issue with cutting holes in mask (Map masked)
Course Layout Editor: Mouse over tip shows first character of control code only
Course Layout Editor: Issue when renaming course.
Issue with courses with multiple loops
Issue with relay courses when nesting leg forks
Course Layout Editor: Redraw issue when the course layer is merged between map color layers.

Condes 10.2.2 – 2 February, 2021

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Support for printing relay courses as one-man relaysControl descriptions: Added option to display only the control descriptions headersCourse lengths shown on the screen not always updated when the course is changed.
Support of partially transparent/opaque background for graphics objects and mask objectsCourse name on the back of the back of the map: Default color changed to dark gray.Calculated leg lengths not always correct when circles overlap.
Added flexibility in configuring a course’s properties. For example, Trail-O controls and Trail-O courses can be created in an event file for a Foot-O event.Control number location: Controls on a canvas can have separate control number locations when the canvas is not linked to another canvas
Numerous additional improvements here and there

Condes 10.1.8 – 22 December, 2020

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
PDF export: Added outline to PDF files, making navigation easier.Courses Spreadsheet: Course lengths did not automatically update if courses are changed while spreadsheet is open.
OCAD map files: OCAD 8 map files don’t have a reference coordinate system for GPS coordinates. Condes will use the standard coordinate system configured in File / Standard settings for this PC.OCAD map file: Crash if using line text in layout objects
A range of additional, minor improvements here and there.Renumber controls feature: Duplicated controls.
Control descriptions: Sort criteria for score O courses did not work correctly if neither column A nor column B was showing points values.
Crash when reconfiguring a print area frame to be specific to the course.

Condes 10.1.7 – 23 November, 2020

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
It is now possible to copy/paste graphics objects onto the same canvas. Previously, paste was not possible on the same canvas.Course Layout Editor: When showing “all controls” for a relay course with leg forks, some leg lines would be missing under certain circumstances.
PDF Export: Map elements with transparent colors would not be transparent on page 2 and following pages.
Course length calculation for a course traversing multiple canvases was not correct

Condes 10.1.5 – 4 November, 2020

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Condes 10.1.5 uses a new file format that cannot be read by previous versions.Colors with transparency now supported.OCAD Text Layout objects. Font name, text styles and paragraph formatting not respected.
JPG bitmap files exported from Adobe Illustrator. Condes now reads the bitmap resolution written in the file in Adobe format.Under certain circumstances Condes would not launch.
Export to GPS: Condes texts not scaled correctly when export scale differs from map scale.

Condes 10.1.4 – 24 September, 2020

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
When configuring circle color for individual controls, CMYK colors are now supported.Issue with route choice drawing on canvases with linked controls but not linked cutting of lines
When resizing the print area frame to a fixed page size, previously the default value for the margin was always 5 mm. Now it is at least 5 mm and at least the width of the widest non-printable margin for the current printer.Changed the control description automatically created for the first course in a new even, so that it is common for all courses, and thus will be placed identically on all courses.
Changed standard setting for auto-creating for each new course a standard text object with the course name.
From now on, the standard is that this text object will not be created.
It is possible to change the setting (File / Standard settings for this PC) so that the text will be automatically created.
Added a new number format option suitable for score O courses: “Points and code”
Changed default screen language selection to use the Windows Language setting instead of the Windows Region setting. This means that if possible, Condes will use the same language as your Windows uses.
You can change the Condes screen language in File / Standard settings for this PC
Added option to enter annotations for individual course legs
The course dialog window, which is resizeable (use gripper at the bottom right corner of the window), now remembers the size and opens at the same size next time.

Condes 10.1.3 – 18 August, 2020

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
OCAD maps: An area symbol using a line symbol as a border, and the line symbol is marked as hidden, then the border would not be drawn.
Control descriptions for a score O course: If the control descriptions object is configured to show only a range of controls, then sorting of the controls did not work correctly.
Course legs to/from mandatory crossing points were not drawn correctly in exported files.
Crash when creating a new event, no other events open, and the map uses a non-existing background map.
OCAD map: Symbols configured as hidden in Condes would also be hidden in background maps.

Condes 10.1.2 – 17 July, 2020

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
French on-line help.
Pascal Moutault has put in long hours to translate the on-line help to French language. Many thanks, Pascal!
GPS export: The KMZ file now includes both LatLonQuad notation and LatLonBox notation as geo reference for the map.Various bug fixes and improvements.

Condes 10.1.1 – 14 June, 2020

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Simple KML export. This export has the courses, and controls as waypoints.Printing to PostScript, Export to EPS, SVG and KMZ: Some areas filled with black color.
Printing to PostScript and Export to EPS: Graphics objects with wide bitmaps would apperar incorrectly

Condes 10.1.0 – 8 June, 2020

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Georeferenced maps: Support for a wider range of reference coordinate systems.
Prior to this version only UTM/WGS84 coordinate systems were supported.
This support includes georeferenced OCAD files, GeoTiff files, and bitmap files with associated World Files.
Added display of longitude and latitude to the tooltip shown when the mouse hovers over a controlOCAD Map: Some layout objects were not correctly identified and thus left out or misformatted (e.g. italic text)
Georeferenced PDF and Tiff files.
When exporting to PDF or Tiff from a map that is georeferenced, the exported PDF or Tiff will also be georeferenced.
Controls’ spreadsheet: Now using the coordinates from a canvas where the control is used, instead of always Canvas 1.Course legs and String O lines were not shown if the controls were close togeteher.
Create new control:
re-introduced that control codes can be drawn from the list of pre-defined controls.
When clicking on the real world coordinates pane in the status bar, the display toggles between showing latitude/longitude and “raw” real world coordinatesOCAD maps: Paths to background maps and graphics files used for layout object were sometimes mangled.
OCAD maps: Symbols with secondary gap length set to non-zero value, but main gap length equal to 0 drawn dashed.
GPS export: The course image as drawin in the KML file was not scaled correctly if the print scale differ from the map scale
Condes Text Object: If a standard text was configured to include “event name”, then the event date would also be incldued.

Condes 10.0.14 – 10 April, 2020

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Added feature to clean up. There is now a menu item to delete all controls that are not in use on any course.OCAD Map: Text symbol line indent not always correct
Control descriptions: Layout mismatch for courses with marked legs
PDF Export: Issue when a map has a line object that is entirely invisible because all segments are “no centerline” (invisible)

Condes 10.0.13 – 7 March, 2020

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
OCAD maps with incorrect (mangled) content caused crash
Control descriptions: Removed descriptions for legs between random order controls
OCAD Maps: Names for layout and background map files with “national” characters not handled correctly.
XML Export: Names containing national characters not always correctly encoded as UTF-8.
Automatic cutting of leg lines: Not correct on a linked canvas with different dimensions as the main canvas.

Condes 10.0.12 – 13 February, 2020

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
PDF Export: Improved handling of CMYK colors from JPG and TIF bitmaps, and improved handling of JPG bitmaps.Cutting of course legs: Minor issues fixed.
Height of control codes on “all controls” map fixed
Control descriptions: Length of marked route from time start to start triangle not always correct
Boundary of OCAD map with background maps not always correct
String-O line not always refreshed correctly on the screen.

Condes 10.0.11 – 21 January, 2020

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Edit control: Moving control location not always saved
Map: Filled areas not always drawing correctly
Scissors tool: When dragging the scissors along a course leg, it is possible to drag beyond a bend
Control descriptions: Font size decreases after showing a field with two texts
Course spreadsheet: Copy to clipboard copies incorrect course lengths
Maps: Using a bitmap and a world file to geo reference the map, the UTM zone would not be read correctly after reopening the event file.

Condes 10.0.10 – 7 January, 2020

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Control Window: Added ability to adjust control location for the current canvas on the front tab.XML export: Rogaine course points not correct
Screen redraw performance optimized.Minor bug fixes

Condes 10.0.8 – 1 December, 2019

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
PDF Export: Graphcis objects configured to use an RGB color now also exported as RGB color.OCAD maps: Minor updates to double line fill. Minor update to string table handling
Cutting tool (scissors) – when cutting a circle, the step is now 10 degress instead of 30 degrees.Boundary lines: Ensure even dashing
Improved handling of cutting tool when cutting course leg linesFixed screen redraw when dragging the mouse to scroll the map.
Control descriptions, dimensions in column F. Font now scales, if the “text” is too large to fit.

Condes 10.0.7 – 23 October, 2019

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Tooltip on control now shows accumulated course length from start to the controlEditing course: Inserting common control before and after a loop
Improved redraw performanceButterfly with start as the common control. Leg back to start not shown
Automatic cutting of course legs when intersecting control numbers not working correctly
Dimensions for ISSprOM2019: Not scaling with map scale
Improved page size calculations
Adding new control: The default control number not alwasy according to the configured first control number for the event
OCAD map files version 8 or older: Under specific circumstances, some objects were not drawn.
Marked route from time start to start: Length not alwasys calculated correctly

Condes 10.0.5 – 3 October, 2019

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Improved screen redraw performanceA number of minor improvements

Condes 10.0.4 – 13 September, 2019

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
PDF/bitmap/EPS export: Control number location not correct for controls on a canvas with linked controls
Crossing symbols: Size of crossing symbols not correct on a canvas with linked controls
PDF export: Handling of Bezier segments with co-inciding curve points could lead to unintended effects

Condes 10.0.3 – 7 September, 2019

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
PDF export. Added support for exporting each course to a separate PDF filePDF export: Overprint operator not correct in some cases
OCAD 12+ layout objects not shown correctly
Font size for “all controls” not correct
Automatic cutting of intersecting leg lines not working correctly
Dimensions linked between canvases not working correctly.

Condes 10.0.2 – 10 August, 2019

New featuresImproved featuresFixes
Overlapping control circles: A course leg line is drawn inside the circles
Course leg lines: Not always possible to toggle of segment
OCAD 12+ symbol that are marked as protected AND hidden were visible
OCAD Export: Symbol dimensions not always correct
OCAD Export: All control codes would be shown as “10” in the control description
All controls control codes: When setting the print scale different from the map scale, the control codes would not be the correct size.

Condes 10.0.0 – 29 July, 2019

New featuresImproved featuresFixes