Additional Dimensions and Fonts (Course Overprint Symbols and Dimensions dialog)
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Note: The settings in this dialog apply for all courses on the active canvas shown at the top header of the dialog.  If you wish to configure one of the other canvases, first select the relevant canvas from the drop-down list.

The settings in this dialog relate to dimensions that are not governed by any IOF map specification.  Thus, they are independent from the settings on the Course Overprint Symbols page

Additional dimensions

This section has settings to configure the diameter of control circles when displaying "all controls" and the gap between circle and leg line.

Course leg clipping

This section has settings to configure if course leg lines are clipped when crossing other leg lines and control numbers.  The gap is configured as a percentage of the course leg line width.

White outline on circles, numbers and leg lines

This section has settings to configure if course overprint symbols are shown with a white outline to make them more prominent against a colored background.  This section is separated into three components:

White outline on control circles

Check this box to draw a white outline on control circles.

White outline on control numbers

Check this box to draw a white outline on control numbers and control codes.

White outline on course legs

Check this box to draw a white outline on course leg lines.

Typefaces for control numbers and codes

This section has settings to configure the typefaces and the font heights for course overprint.
Note that the font height for control numbers is configured on the Course Overprint Symbols tab

Standard settings:

GET from My Standard Settings

Use this option to set all the values on this page to the values that you have saved as your own standard settings.

SAVE to My Standard Settings

Use this option to save all the values on this page as your own standard settings.

Reset to Condes Standard

Use this option to reset all the values on this page to the Condes standard values.