You may have noticed that the latest Condes update (release 10.3) asks you to activate the license on your system.
This does not mean that you need a new license – you can continue to use the license that you already have.
License activation means that Condes will check license data at a Condes license database over the Internet and register your computer with the license.
One advantage is that once the license needs renewal, this is done by updating the license data in the database. Instead of having to enter a new license code, you can continue to use the current one, so there is no need to enter a new code. Condes detects that a new license is available and asks you to activate again with the new license.
Every now and then, new license codes have caused confusion, for example when a new user has gotten the wrong (old) license code from the club. This is hopefully now a thing of the past.
Speaking of licenses, it is important to note that a license does not expire. When you purchase a Condes license, it comes with a benefit of free updates for a 3 year period. This includes also upgrades to a new major version, e.g. Condes 11 if it happens to be released during the 3 year period.
After the 3-year period, you can still use Condes, but it is not possible to update to a version that is released after the 3 year period.
A license can be renewed for another 3-year period of updates.